Lamingtons = Happiness

My love affair with the Lamington began at first bite. I was returning from an office trip and this was the only thing I could buy with the last of my foreign exchange. Anyway, every bite of my little treasure was savoured until there was no more. The memory stayed on and I was interested in learning all about the yummy delight. Here's a little about the humble little Lamington, courtesy Wikipedia : A lamington is a dessert of Australian origin. It consists of squares of sponge cake coated first in a layer of traditionally chocolate sauce, then in desiccated coconut. It is that simple, really. However, I do not get access to a proper oven for baking and I was eager to try it out. That's when I decided to give the dessert a spin of my own. My inspiration- the Bounty Bar . Here's the recipe. Ingredients Sponge cake (regular or eggless, depending on the audience) Cooking Chocolate Desiccated coconut Method 1. Cut the sponge cake into ...